Christmas Eve 2008
Christmas Eve was at our house this year. The only person missing was Steve (Doug's brother) who ended up stuck in Spokane because of all the snow we had prior to Christmas.
From top to bottom, left to right.....Jim C, Jerry (Doug's son, 18 years old), Josh (Kelly's son, 17 years old), Gerry, Rick, Jaesen (Kelly's son, 10 years old), Kelly, Doug, Sunshine, Josephine (2 years old) and Jim S (who is a Carbaugh, whether he wants to be or not!)
Josephine was not happy any time someone went to the bathroom. I caught her trying to get under the door while someone was in the bathroom.
Josephine was not happy any time someone went to the bathroom. I caught her trying to get under the door while someone was in the bathroom.
Josh and Josephine. We don't get to see Josh as often as we would like, so it was nice to see Josephine getting to know her cousin a little more.
Then Josephine got to work. She wasted no time getting this box unwrapped.
Jim got Josephine this tent, which is supposed to fit over a twin bed. Since Josephine is still in a toddler bed, they put the mattress in the tent and she was very happy with it.
Doug's parents got him a Scrabble game. Doug LOVES to play Scrabble.
Josephine was very Thankful for all of her gifts and went around and gave everyone a hug.

Doug and I made some homemade Cranberry infused Vodka for Jim's Christmas present. This was some very good stuff, and it help end a very good evening.
Jim got Josephine this tent, which is supposed to fit over a twin bed. Since Josephine is still in a toddler bed, they put the mattress in the tent and she was very happy with it.
Doug and I made some homemade Cranberry infused Vodka for Jim's Christmas present. This was some very good stuff, and it help end a very good evening.
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